<aside> 📌 Last updated June 24th, 2024.


Sector Sheet

🚜 Sector

There are several stages in the cultivation and manufacture of coffee:

<aside> 🌳 A coffee tree starts producing flowers 3 to 4 years after planting, reaching full productivity in 5 to 7 years. Productivity begins to decline after around 20 years, although with proper management, trees can bear fruit for around 50 years. A feature of coffee production is the biennial pattern of fruit production by the trees, with a high yield every two years. In years of high production, to sustain their high fruit production, the trees sacrifice the production of new shoots. The following year, this is compensated by a reduction in fruit production.


📌source: Coffee processing methods home coffee expert

📌source: Coffee processing methods home coffee expert

📈 Production & consumption

Coffee is the world's second most-traded commodity after oil.

The top 5 of the world's biggest coffee producers are: